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This is my review/these are my thoughts about the Snyder cut of Justice League. For some background on my thoughts on super heroes in general, I am a self-proclaimed Marvel fan (but not a fanboy), and while I like DC a lot, their cinematic universe leaves a lot to be desired. I liked one scene from the original Justice League, and didn’t like any of the other DC cinematic universe movies at all.

Part 1: I can live with this
Let me start off by saying that I was NOT put off by how long this movie is. When I like a movie a lot, I don’t MIND it being very long. To stick with the super hero theme, I wish End Game and Infinity Wars were both LONGER! I wonder if this will be the start of movies getting much longer. I mean, if it’s a BAD movie, obviously the longer it is the worse it is. But if I’m digging a movie, I’m ok with it being super long. 1 1/2 hours seems way, way too short nowadays. Let’s see some longer movies!!

Part 2: On paper…
…this movie is very bad. It’s a bloated mess, that tries to cram too many things into a single movie all at once. Jack of all trades, master of none. So why ISN’T the movie bad? It isn’t bad because of the context. On paper, a 4 hour movie that crams the origin stories of like 4 characters into one should be bad, but this movie HAD to do that, it had no choice.

Part 3: It had no choice
Iron Man, Iron Man 2, Captain America, Thor. All those movies together equals The Avengers. Justice League? It had no such luxury. The DCEU is/was a complete mess, and never got its act together. Justice League was tasked with creating a movie with characters that weren’t even introduced yet. So yes, on paper, this movie should be bad. But it isn’t. Because is uses like 2 1/2 of those four hours to BE those movies it needed. And it works better than I could have possibly imagined. I thought I’d get bored, but nope, I enjoyed the pacing, never got bored, and appreciated the much needed explanations of the characters and their back stories.

Part 4: So about the first Justice League
Here’s the thing. I can see why Joss Whedon did what he did. As I mentioned above, how can Justice League introduce so many characters, plot points, and other things when given only two hours. Was the “Joss cut” perfect? No, of course not. But imagine being brought into the studio, with Snyder’s 4 hour or more cut on the preproduction table and being told to “make it 2 hours and good”. It’s basically an impossible task. Was Joss’ cut good? No. But what do you expect, honestly?

All that to say, I’m glad Warner decided to give Justice League a second chance. The whole DCEU is a mess, but at least there’s a shining beam of light in the middle of it all.

Part 5: So did I like it, though?
Why yes! Yes I did! I thought it was the best thing to come out of the DCEU since… well, ever, honestly. There was some rough parts obviously, the CGI for Cyborg and for Steppenwolf was really bad. But overall, I had a great time, and wasn’t put off by the length or the pacing at all. I certainly hope Warner can figure out a way for the DCEU to recover. In a perfect world, Marvel and DC are trading equal blows back and forth with their movies and TV shows, making each other better by being better themselves. I don’t see it happening soon, as it would take a tremendous amount of work to salvage the DCEU, but I never want it to fail. Super heroes are too cool to fail lol

Part 6: THAT scene
Boy was the scene where Superman comes back to life the best thing ever. Like for real though, that scene even in the original movie was dope.

So HBO. You gave Snyder 70m to remake this. How about remaking the last season of Game of Thrones, ehh?

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March 2021